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Valkanov, Vladimir
Vasileva, M.
Vasileva, Maria
Vdovina, Elena K., Department of Applied Mathematics 1 Moscow State University of Railway Engineering St. Obrazova, h. 9, of. 9 Moscow, RUSSIA
Venkatesulu, A. Prabhu, P. Kumar Baruah, M., Department of Mathematics and Statistics\\ University of Missouri\\ Kansas City, MO 64110, USA\\ e-mail: venkatesulu\[email protected]\\[2pt] $^{1,2}$Department of Mathematics and Computer Applications\\ Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engineering\\ Tamilnadu, INDIA\\[2pt] $^3$Department of Mathematics and Computer Science\\ Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning\\ Prasanthinilayam, 515134 AP, INDIA\\
Verma, R. U.
Veselinova, Magdalena
Vithya, V.
Volosov, Konstantin Alexandrovich, Department of Applied Mathematics 1 Moscow State University of Railway Engineering St. Obrazova, h. 9, of. 9 Moscow, RUSSIA [email protected]
Vuk, Elena

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ISSN: 1311-2872